Newark, NJ
Analysis & Critical Thinking
This page includes a sample of work products that demonstrate the third core competency of the MPA program: To analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make evidence-informed decisions in a complex and dynamic environment.
Ethics & Technology in Election Administration Presentation
This interactive Prezi presentation is intended to serve as a guide for election officials when trying to decide which voting technologies they should implement in their jurisdictions. The guide begins with an overview of the different types of election technologies and the pros and cons of each. It then presents an overview of the relevant federal statutes and the ethical dimensions of policy making. The guide concludes with a recommendation and justification for using the ethics triad when making decisions about voting technologies.
This presentation is a revised version of an assignment completed for Administrative Ethics in the Fall, 2019 semester.
Research Proposal: Predictive Nature of Prior Political Experience in the Election of Female Mayors
This paper is a proposal for a research study to examine whether prior political experience is a stronger predictive factor in the election of female mayors than in the election of male mayors. Research shows there is a gender gap in political office holding in the United States, but there is a need for more research about why there is a gap. The proposed research would provide insight into one potential reason for gender disparities in local government leadership. The proposal begins with an overview of the problem, and then reviews the literature related to women’s representation in government; pathways to office for female elected leaders; and, impact of female elected leaders at the local level. Following a brief overview of the rationale for the project, the proposed research methods are discussed. Finally, the proposal concludes with an analysis of some potential limitations of the proposed project.
This proposal is a revised version of an assignment completed for Applied Research Design in the Spring, 2020 semester.